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A Store For Pet Lovers

Cat Hair Shaving Brush Cleaning Tools

Cat Hair Shaving Brush Cleaning Tools

$ 12.86 

Cat Hair Dog Hair Remover Sofa Carpet Outerwear Clothing Fabric Cat Hair Dog Hair Shaving Brush Cleaning Tools Fur Remover


1. Quick shaving without damaging the fabric to bring new life to the old fabric and keep them clean, soft, and fresh. Remove pilling and fuzz from, curtains, carpets, upholstery, etc
2. Always keep it elegant - restores clothes and fabrics to their new look, perfect for removing fluffy balls from clothes, even on the sofa. Use the money you save on these fuzzy little things to buy yourself some new clothes and make your life easier.
3. No batteries -- unlike battery-powered electric razors, which no longer waste batteries because razors can't provide continuous power, this portable lint remover provides stable and constant power to remove lint and ball bearings.
4. Fast and easy to use - safe and effective for removing lint, pills, and lint from clothes, blankets, curtains, carpets, etc without worrying about low power consumption